The Krit in the Laghusiddhantakaumudi and the Kit in the Padarupasiddhi: A Comparative Study

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Pramaha Kitti Mongam
Chainarong Klinnoi
Chirapat Prapandvidya


This research article aims to 1) study the history of Laghusiddhãntakaumudi and Padarupasiddhi scriptures 2) to translate the Kritantapakorn in the Laghusiddhantakaumudi and Kipphidhan in the Padarupasiddhi scriptures, and 3) to study and compare the Krit in the Laghusiddhantakaumudi scripture and in the Padarupasiddhi scripture. This research is qualitative, using the action research process as part of the research and emphasizing both spatial and group analytical studies. The research process was organized by extracting lessons learned and integrating data obtained from interviews, observations, and joint operations in the study area and target groups. Deming cycle-based processes are used as tools to conduct participatory action research at all stages.
The finding ware that 1) the Laghusiddhãntakaumudĩ scriptures were composed by Vadaraj around the 11th century AD (17th century AD), while the Padarupasiddhi scriptures were composed by Phra Buddhaappiya around the end of the 15th Buddhist century to the beginning of the 16th Buddhist century. The scripture Laghusiddhantakaumudi is a scripture that has brought the formula from the scripture Siddhantakaumuthi as a scripture, which revised the order of formulas in the scriptures of Paninima's Ashadaayayi, rearranging them sequentially to make it easier to understand. As for the Padarupasiddhi scripture, it is a scripture that has taken the formula from the Kaccayana scriptures and put them in a new order, given more explanation, and taken examples from various scriptures, mostly the Tripitaka. 2) The meaning of the words Krit and Kit is used in the same sense, which is the combination of elements with traditional elements to get the meaning, some in the form of nouns and some in the form of verbs. 3) Laghusiddhantakaumudi has classified Krit according to factors into 2, namely Kritya factors and Krit factors. The Padarupasiddhi scriptures classify Krit according to time and conditions as six factors. 1. These two categories are tegalic factors that can be in three tenses: past, present, and future. 2. Past factors. 3. Tavedunati factors 4. WatamanaKalikamananta factor. 5. Future Kalika Factors. 6. unathi Factors.
In the Laghusiddhantakaumudi all 129 formulas are used to explain Kritthanta (Krit). In the Prathupsit scriptures all 140 formulas are used to explain Kipphithan. The structure of the composition is the same in both scriptures, namely formulas. Vritti, Vutti, and Parable Formula Writing use the same principle, which is compact and covers a lot of meaning. There are 67 comparable Laghusiddhantakaumudi sutras and 62 incomparable sutras.

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How to Cite
Mongam, P. K., Klinnoi , C. ., & Prapandvidya, C. (2023). The Krit in the Laghusiddhantakaumudi and the Kit in the Padarupasiddhi: A Comparative Study. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 7(2). Retrieved from
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