An Analytical Study of Phrasekha Praictices in the Sekhapatipada Sutta

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Prabaidekaniwat Chotipanyo
Phrakhru Sirirattanabandit
Phramaha Chiravat Kantawanno


This research article The objectives were to 1) study the structure and essence of the Sekha Patipada Sutta, 2) study the practices of Phrasekha as appeared in the Tipitaka, and 3) analyze the practices of Phrasekha as appeared in the Sekha Patipada Sutra. It is a documentary research. that the researcher has studied and researched from sources such as Tipitaka, commentaries, books and thesis work related to this sutra in order to be used to explain in this research clearly enough.
The results of the study found that 1) this Sekha Patipada Sutta It is a sutta contained in the Suttanta Piṭaka Majjhimanikaya Majjhimapananaska, which has 5 paragraphs and is classified in the first paragraph, which is the Gahapati Vagga, contains 10 suttas. that the Buddha commanded Ananda to show it to the Sakayas who hope for prosperity and auspiciousness for the new hall. 2) The practices of Phrasekha appear in the Tipitaka. Which is the main principle, there are 4 categories: 1. Silasampada 2. Apannaka Patipada 3 3. Seven Good Dhamma 4. Janas. 3) From the analysis, it was found that Phrasekha's practices in this Sutta It is also the fifteen Caranas , which is the Dharma for Behavior. Phrasekha is a person who still has to study in the Threefold Training, namely Morality, Concentration, and Wisdom, which can be regarded as another way of studying in Buddhism. On the other hand, fifteen Caranas, if the practice has reached completeness Causes the path to have the 8th person to occur in every aspect of the path. which is the path leading to the attainment of paths, results, nibbana, known as the middle path or middle path.
Sekha Patipada this formula It is a sutta that monks who hope for prosperity in Buddhism. should be practiced until ready from the precepts level according to the principles of fifteen Caranas to follow in the footsteps of the noble person even if it has not yet reached the level of worldly Just being a person who is situated in the Sotapatti Path, and as a result, can be regarded as a person who enters Nivana in the future. Even a layman, if strictly following the 5 precepts or the 8 precepts, can attain the path and fruit in the same sense as a monk. or just applied to daily life will only get what is auspicious and prosperous for us in the present life.

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How to Cite
Chotipanyo, P. ., Phrakhru Sirirattanabandit, & Chiravat Kantawanno , P. C. (2023). An Analytical Study of Phrasekha Praictices in the Sekhapatipada Sutta. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 7(2). Retrieved from
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