An Analytical Study on Faculties Restraint of the Ãyatana in Chachakka Sutta

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PhraSanti Dhammapalo
Phra Mahayuthana Norachetto
Phra Paladcharoen Vaddhano


This Article is of three objectives namely, 1) to study the structures and essences of Chachakka-sutta, 2) to study the restraining Āyatana (sense-field) in Chachakka-sutta, and 3) to analyze the restraining Āyatana (sense-field) in Chachakka-sutta. The methodology is documentary research by studying the data from the Buddhist Scriptures, literary works, and other related research works in Buddhism. It is composed to present the data by the descriptive method.
The research results were found as follows; 1) The essence of the Sutta as follows: The Lord Buddha preached the dhamma that is connected, namely inner consciousness, external consciousness, consciousness, sensing, feeling, and Tanha. He delivered the process of the cause of suffering depending on the internal Sense-Bases and the external Sense-Bases contact with each other. 2) Mindfulness meditation is the practice of Vipassana Meditation for Self-training in 3 aspects, namely the higher morality, the higher mentality, and the higher wisdom. The practice of mindfulness meditation when perceiving the six mindfulness emotions, which requires mindfulness through the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind. 3) The principle of controlling the sense-filed is to focus the self-carefulness and not lost pleasure in the sense-objects which appear by eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, and mind. This is the way to practice Vipassanā meditation. It is the cultivation of wisdom to keep up with what’s happening and understand all things as realities.
From the results of this study, the principle of mindfulness meditation can be applied to daily life by concentrating on one's mind, impassive to the emotions that appear through the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and mind. Being conscious and aware of the effects that occur through the consciousness at all times.

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How to Cite
Dhammapalo, P. ., Norachetto , P. M. ., & Vaddhano, P. P. . . (2023). An Analytical Study on Faculties Restraint of the Ãyatana in Chachakka Sutta. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 7(2). Retrieved from
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