Motivation and Human Relations in Buddhist Organizational Management

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Phramaha Samran Thanuttamo


Personnel must be motivated to work, have a good attitude towards the organization, for this reason, every organization wants their personnel to be quality personnel. and have the consciousness of performing their duties fully and what will make the personnel in the organization work with willingness and full dedication to the work that is motivation to work Motivation is therefore an important factor in the management of an organization or unit. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the personnel in the organization by creating incentives in various fields to help benefit the personnel who will work for the organization. In order to receive justice from the organization and management in various fields and to have morale in work. Including the need to build human relations as a bridge to connect good relationships with each other. Between people in the organization, the processes in human relations expressed in the form of motivation or satisfaction according to the principle of human relations are important for the management of all processes in the organization. Motivation and human relations in Buddhist organizational management is an organizational management approach that is extremely beneficial to human relations in the organization based on the Four Brahma Vihara principles that everyone in the organization must act towards one another with compassion and desire for others. be happy success in work Please have a wish for others to be free from suffering. genuinely willing to help Mudita is pleased when others do well. success in work and equanimity, known to be indifferent neutralize not taking sides, being fair to everyone.

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How to Cite
Thanuttamo, P. S. (2023). Motivation and Human Relations in Buddhist Organizational Management. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 7(2). Retrieved from
Academic Article


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