Survey of Buddhist Archaeological Sites in the Dvaravati Period in Nakhon Sawan-Uthai Thani Province

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Athithep Phatha
Kangvol Khatshima
Kongsarit Peangsub
Wisarin Champunot
Kraiwut Chuwilai


The objectives of this research article are 1) to study the concepts of environment and community archaeological sites, 2) to study exploratory studies of Dvaravati Buddhist archaeological sites in Nakhon Sawan-Uthai Thani Provinces, and 3) to study the value of archaeological sites of Buddhism in the Dvaravati period in Nakhon Sawan-Uthai Thani provinces. It is a qualitative research, study area in Nakhon Sawan-Uthai Thani provinces. Group of population 45 people, Use observation and operation together with Deming cycle process. Descriptive analysis and presentation
The results showed that 1) the concept of archeological site is considered important because it is an ancient site or artifact created by ancient people who have religious beliefs and values. Their idols from prehistoric to historical eras have passed through time and remain for future generations to study. 2) Buddhist archaeological sites in the Dvaravati period in Nakhon Sawan-Uthai Thani provinces, consisting of 5 cities: (1) Chan Sen City, Takli District, Nakhon Sawan Province (2) Khok Maiden City, Payuhakiri District, Nakhon Sawan Province ( 3) Dong Mae Nang Mueang District, Banphot Phisai District, Nakhon Sawan Province (4) Bueng Khok Chang City Sawang Arom District, Uthai Thani Province and (5) Tha Karung Town, Ban Rai District, Uthai Thani Province, whose population is Ancient Mon-Khmer who have built a community since the 12th-16th Buddhist centuries, whose religion is Brahman-Hinduism. and Theravada Buddhism. 3) The area of Dvaravati period Buddhist archaeological sites in Nakhon Sawan-Uthai Thani provinces is valuable as a community learning center, and is considered “A valuable resource both in terms of history and tourism, which is a part that can generate income for the community and local people.

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How to Cite
Phrathepvajarachan, Phatha, A., Khatshima, K., Peangsub, P., Champunot, W. ., & Chuwilai , K. . . (2023). Survey of Buddhist Archaeological Sites in the Dvaravati Period in Nakhon Sawan-Uthai Thani Province. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 7(2). Retrieved from
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