Design and Layout of Buddhist Archeological Sites in the Dvaravati Period in Nakhon Sawan-Uthai Thani Province

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Athithep Phatha
Sombat Mangmeesuksiri
Ayusakorn Ngamchat
Santhaya Praparat
Thanunchapa Chaiprapa


This research article has the objectives 1) to study the design concept of environmental and archaeological site layouts, 2) to develop the design of Buddhist archaeological site layouts in the Dvaravati Period in Nakhon Sawan-Uthai Thani Provinces, and 3) to study the benefits of environmental and archaeological site planning. Use the map of Buddhist archaeological sites in the Dvaravati period in Nakhon Sawan-Uthai Thani provinces. It is qualitative research. There were interviews, observations and joint operations. Area is Nakhon Sawan-Uthai Thani Province,45 contributors, used the Deming Cycle Research Process. Analyze data and present descriptive research results.
The results showed that 1) the design of the environmental map and the archaeological site is considered to be important because the site map design can help guide the access to the area of the archaeological site. easy The principle of designing the archaeological site plan is to focus on simplicity and clearly identifying the location of buildings and other religious sites within by using symbols to identify those buildings or areas. 2) The design of the layout of Buddhist archaeological sites in the Dvaravati period in Nakhon Sawan - Uthai Thani provinces has been carried out in designing the layout of 5 cities of archaeological sites, namely (1) in Nakhon Sawan Province, 3 cities (2) in Uthai Thani Province, 2 cities, by There are designs in 3 parts: 1. Landscape architecture design. 2. Design a spatial plan 3. Design a map of access routes to archaeological sites. (3) Benefits of the design implementation are (1) people in the area understand the layout of the archaeological site well and can access the archaeological site easily (2) have knowledge and understanding of the history of that site (3) can cause benefits in tourism through the aforementioned plan.

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How to Cite
Phrarajrattanalongkorn, Phatha, A., Mangmeesuksiri, S., Ngamchat, N., Praparat, S., & Chaiprapa , T. (2023). Design and Layout of Buddhist Archeological Sites in the Dvaravati Period in Nakhon Sawan-Uthai Thani Province. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 7(3). Retrieved from
Research Articles


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