Organizing Activities to Promote Learning of Buddhist Archaeological Sites in the Dvaravati Period in Nakhon Sawan-Uthai Thani Province

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Sweang Nillanama
Athithep Phatha
Worakrit Tuenchang
U-tain Wongsathit
Supapan Permpool
Juthamas Wareesangthip
Thipakarn Praparat


The objectives of this research article are 1) to study the concept of learning on archaeological site layouts. 2) to study activities to promote learning on Buddhist archaeological sites in the Dvaravati Period in Nakhon Sawan-Uthai Thani Provinces. 3) To study the benefits of learning promotion activities on Buddhist archaeological sites in the Dvaravati Period in Nakhon Sawan-Uthai Thani Provinces. It is a qualitative research, study area in Nakhon Sawan-Uthai Thani provinces. group of population 45 people, Use observation and operation together with Deming cycle process. Descriptive analysis and presentation
The results showed that 1) the concept of the theory and process of cognitive formation is that learning originates from the mind that affects action. Physical is called behavior. The behavior comes from the impulse that causes the behavior to show outwardly. This process is called learning. The concept of learning in Buddhism learning or education Born from training through precepts, concentration and wisdom. 2) Organizing activities to promote learning of Buddhist archeological sites in the Dvaravati period in Nakhon Sawan-Uthai Thani provinces were organized through 3 types of activities: (1) Activities to promote the tradition, revitalization, continuation, conservation of Dong Mae Nang Mueang (2) An activity to remove the body of knowledge about an ancient city in the Dvaravati period (3) A training activity for local guides to learn the layout of Buddhist archaeological sites in the Dvaravati period in Nakhon Sawan-Uthai Thani provinces: the case of Dong Mae Nang Mueang Ancient City. 3) The result of the fruitful activity is (1) the result of tourism (2) the result of instilling consciousness in preserving the archaeological site in the community (3) the result of creating added economic value for the community.

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How to Cite
Nillanama, S., Phatha, A., Tuenchang, W., Wongsathit, U.- tain, Permpool , S., Wareesangthip, J., & Praparat , T. (2023). Organizing Activities to Promote Learning of Buddhist Archaeological Sites in the Dvaravati Period in Nakhon Sawan-Uthai Thani Province . Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 7(2). Retrieved from
Research Articles


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