A Comparative Study of the Rites in the Uposatha of Theravada Buddhism and in the Church of Roman Catholic Christianity

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Phra Sitthiphong Phatcharapha
Sawaeng Nilnama
Kit Sriya-ad


This research paper has objectives: 1) to study of the rites in the Uposatha of Theravada Buddhism 2) to study of the rites in the Church of Roman Catholic Christianity 3) to compare the rites in the Uposatha of Theravada Buddhism and the Church of Roman Catholic Christianity. This thesis is documentary research and proposes the findings by the descriptive method.
The findings found that: 1) The rites in the Uposatha of Theravada Buddhism are the formal act of monastic rituals that Buddhist monks incorporate to meet together to practice of Uposatha’ s rituals with a mark demarcating the area in the Vinaya commandments such as a full ordination (Upasampadà),a recitation of the Fundamental Precepts of the Buddhist monks (Pàñimokkhuddesa), emergence method; âpattidesanà (the confession of an Offence), the Kathin ceremony (Kañhina). 2) The rites of Christianity that must be performed in the church are "Sacraments" 7 items, consisting of: 1) Baptism, 2) Strength, 3) Penance, 4) Eucharist, 5) Last anointing of the sick, 6) Marriage, 7) Ordination. 3) The rituals of Theravada Buddhism and Catholic church rituals are being a consistency in valuable core and psychological benefits, which is a mental anchor. Furthermore, both are performing the ceremony in main temple only (Upasampadà and Catholic Church). Although the both-implications are different in terms of compositions, processes, conditions, and Master of Ceremonies only.

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How to Cite
Phatcharapha, P. S. ., Nilnama, S. ., & Sriya-ad , K. . (2023). A Comparative Study of the Rites in the Uposatha of Theravada Buddhism and in the Church of Roman Catholic Christianity. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 7(3). Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jmb/article/view/266480
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