A Comparative Study of the Principle of Buddhist Learning for Thai Youth in Ban Fai Na Sang School and Christian Learning in Mettachanupatham School, Lom Sak District Phetchabun Province

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Phra Jirawat Amaradhammo
Phramaha Khwanchai Kittimetee
Sawaeng Nilnama
Boonlue Munklang


This thesis research article has objectives: 1) to study the principles of Buddhist learning of the youth in Ban Fai Na Saeng School, 2) the study the principles of Christian learning of the youth in Mettachanupatham School, and 3) to comparatively study the principle of Buddhist learning of the youth in Ban Fai Na School and the principle of learning of the youth in Mettachanupatham School in Lomsak District, Phetchabun Province. This research is a qualitative field research. 44 key informants, 15 focus groups, using interview tools. Analyze data and present descriptive research results.
In the research, it was clearly found that 1) The principles of Buddhist learning of the youth of Ban Fai Na Saeng School was found that when the youth practiced ethical principles making themselves and the surrounding society also developed. It made the life of people who live in society peaceful and prosperous. Applying the principles of morality, concentration, and wisdom to daily life to improve the quality of living, for progressing, and for saving in life. 2) The principles of Christianity learning of the youth in Mettachanupatham School was found that when the youth strictly adhered to the Golden Rules, they also developed of themselves and others. The Christians in the school cultivated the youth to be good people of their families and society, to be loved, merciful, sacrificed, and forgiving. Christmas, in particular, is a day of remembrance of God. Gift-giving events are held every Sunday to perform religious rituals. The school has cultivated teachings of Christianity and also clearly contributes to the public in the school. 3) The comparison of the similarities and differences between Buddhist learning of the youth of Ban Fai Na Saeng School and Christian learning of the youth of Mettacha- nupatham School in Lomsak District, Phetchabun Province was found that the youth in the school practiced the doctrines-to do good, to refrain from doing evil, as a way of happiness and prosperity. The aspect of their family and the surrounding society has lived in heedfulness, and safety in living. Whereas Christianity is the religion of love, love is the greatest. Christian decision is based on the belief in Holy God. And they must strictly follow the Ten Commandments and must know the sacrifice their own things to the impoverished people. The things that are similar between both religions are love, unity, and participation in various activities according to their respective religions and have a volunteer spirit for others. The difference is that Buddhism teaches not to be attached to Everything because everything is not sustainable. It arises and disappears. Everything is Anatta. As for Christianity, it teaches us to pray and think about God. Do it for God. When you die, you will go to live with God.

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How to Cite
Amaradhammo, P. J. ., Kittimetee, P. K. ., Nilnama, S. ., & Munklang, B. . (2023). A Comparative Study of the Principle of Buddhist Learning for Thai Youth in Ban Fai Na Sang School and Christian Learning in Mettachanupatham School, Lom Sak District Phetchabun Province. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 7(3). Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jmb/article/view/266482
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