Analyzing Buddhist Cultural Identity from the Impact of Cultural Tourism in Tibetan Refugee Community at Dharamshala City, Himachal Pradesh State, Republic of India

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Phramaha Sanya Dheerasanyamo (Sansala)


The objectives of this research article are 1) to study the social and cultural context of the Tibetan refugee community in Dharamshala City; Himachal Pradesh Republic of India 2) to study the Buddhist cultural identity of the Tibetan refugee community in Dharamshala Himachal Pradesh Republic of India 3) to analyze the Buddhist cultural identity of the Tibetan refugee community in Dharamsala. Himachal Pradesh republic of India. It is a qualitative research. by studying information from the target group is those who live and travel in Tibetan immigrant communities. Dharamshala Himachal Pradesh republic of India Including key informants, both unstructured and structured interviews, totaling 45 people. Analyze document data, link concepts, theories and presenting descriptive research results
The results showed that 1) Tibetan refugee communities migrated to settle in the area. After the Chinese People's Liberation Army took over until there was a big riot. A government in exile was established. A replica of the temple was built and named after the original temple in Tibet. and the 14th Dalai Lama resided here People know this place as Little Lhasa. 2) The Buddhist cultural identity of the Tibetan refugee community has 4 aspects: social aspects, namely the Tibetan government system that has a unique identity; There is the Dalai Lama which Tibetans believe to be Avalokitesvara Reincarnation is the highest. Cultural aspects are specific. Such as dressing, dancing, lifestyle is a simple way of life. There is Vajrayana Buddhism as the main religion. 3) From the impact of cultural tourism, trends in cultural identity in Tibetan refugee communities there are positive and negative changes. However, most Tibetans are still attached to Vajrayana Buddhism. The existence of the Dalai Lama is the anchor of the mind. This way of life tends to continue with the Tibetan people. At least during the lifetimes of the first Tibetan immigrants.

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How to Cite
Dheerasanyamo (Sansala) , P. S. (2023). Analyzing Buddhist Cultural Identity from the Impact of Cultural Tourism in Tibetan Refugee Community at Dharamshala City, Himachal Pradesh State, Republic of India. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 7(2). Retrieved from
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