An Analytical Study of the Ṭhānasutta to be Used as a Tool for Living Life

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Phra Jamorn Kataguṇo
Suthep Promlert
Phramaha Adidej Sativaro


This research paper has objectives: 1) to study the structure and essence of the Ṭhānasutta, 2) to study of the principles in the Ṭhānasutta, and 3) to analytical study of Ṭhānasutta. It is documentary research. Analyze and present descriptively.
The results of the study were as follow: 1. The Ṭhānasutta is the 7th sutra in Nivara- naphak Dutiyapannask, Suttanta Pitaka, volume 22, Panchakanibat, Angkuttanikaya. It is a sutra that explains the dharma that a layman or layman should contemplate on 5 things, namely Egging, Sickness, Death, Separation from loved ones, and Karma. 2. There are 4 principles that appear in the Sutras: (1) Appamāda that is earnestness, (2) Tilakkhaṇa that is the Three Characteristics (3) Satipaṭṭhāna that is the foundations of mindfulness and (4) Paṭicca-samuppāda that is the Dependent Origination. 3. An analysis of the value of the principles in the sutra bases found that considering the 5 principles in the sutra bases was always normal, inevitably produces two virtues, that is, (1) Helping to develop oneself to attain dharma a consideration for insight into the interre- lationships of various phenomena, both in suffering and causes and solutions to eliminate suffering to get out of suffering letting go and emptiness to understand the nature of the process of birth and extinction, a state called liberation arises, reach the ultimate goal, Nirvana. (2) It is a support in life that we always consider the realities of life resulting in virtues: 1) to understand the reality of life, 2) to remind us not to be careless, and 3) to be a tool or device for self-teaching in living, create prosperity in life. Such principles are aimed at eliminating and relieving the dullness of youth. Absence of sickness in life the dullness of lust, satisfaction, love, and liking can change the behavior of people at the lay level to practice honesty in body, speech, and mind, as for the noble person level, can be practiced to eventually reach the path, results, and nirvana.

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How to Cite
Kataguṇo, P. J. . ., Promlert, S. ., & Sativaro, P. A. . (2023). An Analytical Study of the Ṭhānasutta to be Used as a Tool for Living Life. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 7(3). Retrieved from
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