A Comparative Analysis on the Model of the Religious Multicultural Learning for the Quality of Life Development between the Buddhists and the Christianity in Ban Klang Subdistric, Lomsak District, Petchaboon Province

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Passara Montanatham
Sawaeng Nilnoma
Sukanya Suwannapoch


The objectives of this research article are 1) to study the religious multicultural learning style of Buddhists 2) to study the religious multicultural learning style of Christians 3) To compare religious multicultural learning styles of Buddhists, and Christians that there are similarities and differences It is Mixed Mexthod research, and through interviews with Buddhists and Christians in Ban Klang sub-district, Lom Sak district, Phetchabun province. The sample group was divided into 2 groups: 10 Buddhists/person, 10 Christians total 20 photos/person, data collection tools 1) Interview form and 2) discussion, descriptive analysis
The results of the research were as follows: 1) Buddhist religious multicultural learning style Using the village project, the 5 precepts. Temple is a learning center for sufficiency economy and Buddhist well-being. Follow the 3 aspirations of Lord Buddhadasa Bhikkhu: 1) to learn one's religion thoroughly and to reach the essence of religion 2) Learn other people's religions that every religion teaches selflessness is the key. 3) Together pulling the world away from materialism. 2) The study of religious multicultural learning patterns of Christians found that the use of the 10 commandments, there are churches and schools. It is a place to educate religious people every Sunday. Help people to be saved and free. Not only materially, but rehabilitating and elevating the mind to a higher level. His preaching amazes and arouses interest. Because the nature of the expression is refreshing, unparalleled. Call it the teaching of life. The lively teachings and the practice guidelines are: 1) The essence of religion is one. 2) Adhere to the principle of dialogue and understanding. Carefulness in interpreting teachings, must check in each situation. 3) Build the religion of each religion to understand their principles. Thus making it possible to understand others and can live together without doubt ,us with generosity. 3) Comparison of Religious Multicultural Learning Model for Quality of Life Development between Buddhists and Christians in Ban Klang Subdistrict, Lom Sak District, Phetchabun Province It was found that was no difference in learning, the leaders of both religions focused on creating the cause of happiness, i.e. peace, cheerfulness, living together as brothers and sisters. there is only difference. faith in their religion Do not violate other people's religious practices.

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How to Cite
Montanatham, P., Nilnoma, S., & Suwannapoch, S. (2023). A Comparative Analysis on the Model of the Religious Multicultural Learning for the Quality of Life Development between the Buddhists and the Christianity in Ban Klang Subdistric, Lomsak District, Petchaboon Province . Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 7(3). Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jmb/article/view/266966
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