The Dynamics of Driving for Subdistrict Public Training Unit in Na Noi District, Nan Province

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Prakrutheerananthasit (Theerapañño Mipadung)
Sopon Buachan
Thitiporn Sasom
Kochchapun Chantra


This thesis aims 1) to study the conditions and problems of the operation of subdistrict public training unit in Na Noi District, Nan Province, 2) to study the dynamics of driving for subdistrict public training unit in Na Noi District, Nan Province. This is a qualitative research. By collecting data from documents and field data from interviews. and bring to the conclusion of the research. The study revealed that 1) The conditions and problems of the operation of subdistrict public training unit in Na Noi District, Nan Province: in 8 aspects: 1) community unity, lack of cooperation, 2) health, no money for health care treatment, 3) moral and culture, people lack knowledge and understanding of morality, 4) occupational promotion, there is no serious promotion from the government, 5) peace, most of the community is harmonious. 6) welfare education, there is still little assistance in education, 7) public welfare, lack of support and help each other as it should be, and, 8) gratitude, parents lack respect from their children, because there is no time for training them. 2) The dynamics of driving for subdistrict public training unit in Na Noi District, Nan Province in 8 aspects: 1) on unity, there were activities to train people on unity according to Saraniya Dhamma principles, 2) on health, there was a campaign to refrain from drinking alcohol during Lent, to refrain from drinking alcohol at funerals and merit ceremonies for people to take care of their health, 3) on moral and culture, there were Dharma practice activities, mental meditation training, moral and ethical knowledge training to the people, 4) on occupational promotion, village meetings were organized by making the temple a vocational learning center, 5) on peace, there was a joint plan between the temple and government agencies to drive the 5 precepts village project, which is a project that will bring peace to the community, 6) on welfare education, it had a plan to help youth with education and encourage temples that were ready to participate in educational management, 7) on public welfare, there was a participatory work plan between temples and government agencies by preparing for disaster prevention and mitigation, and 8) on gratitude, there were activities to cultivate morality and ethics in gratitude to benefactors on important days such as Father's Day and Mother's Day.

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How to Cite
Mipadung, P. (Theerapañño), Buachan, S., Sasom, T., & Chantra, K. (2024). The Dynamics of Driving for Subdistrict Public Training Unit in Na Noi District, Nan Province. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 8(1), 68–80. Retrieved from
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