Phassāyatana Conciousness in Paticcasmuppāda

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Phra Dhanāyupong Āsondhi
Phra Mahayuthanā Norachetto
Nontiwat Lileart


Phassayatana is the arising of contact between the 6 Internal Āyatanas and the 6 External Āyatanas, interacting with each other, creating awareness (consciousness).There are in the form of a chain throughout the line. Both the line of birth and the line of death, in the way of life from birth until death. It is the way of Paticcasamuppāda, which is a process dependent on the arising of craving and attachment. If humans have senses incorrectly, it will lead to craving and attachment, which causes the clinging birth in an endless cycle. Which is the cause of suffering. Therefore, when the sense arises, such as when the eye sees a form, the person must be aware and stop at just seeing. There is no feeling of liking or disliking that follows. It can stop at just the clash of Āyatanas. This is awareness of the senses. It is being aware of the present. Seeing reality as it is.

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How to Cite
Āsondhi, Āsondhi, Norachetto, N., & Lileart, N. (2023). Phassāyatana Conciousness in Paticcasmuppāda. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 7(3). Retrieved from
Academic Article


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