The Application of Mahasatipatthana for the Development of Human Potential in the Digital Age

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Phra Woraponte Varadhammo
Phra Sukheesom Silatechaputtiyo
Phramaha Thongkeb Yanapalo


This academic article its objective is to present guidelines for applying Mahasa- tipatthana principles to be beneficial and effective in developing the quality of human life in society in the digital age. The guidelines and principles of Mahasatipatthana are presented, which focus on development in four main areas: body, perception, mind, and dhamma. Satipatthana will be a linking mechanism for problem solving; 1) Physical: Applying the Mahasatipatthana regarding the body helps develop an understanding of the body in line with the modern world that forces physical suffering. When you understand your body, you will develop that body to better support the reality that affects your life. 2) Through compassion, it helps to develop awareness of the feelings of happiness and suffering that do not belong to us and let go or understand that suffering is something that should be understood rather than holding on. 3) Mentally, it helps to understand nature clearly and can develop the mind to be of higher quality respectively. 4) Physically, it helps the mind to get rid of ignorance and defilements. Additionally, guided practices for achieving living solutions include techniques designed to help individuals cultivate a deep awareness of their own body, feelings, mind, and nature of reality. Suffering is something that can happen. In today’s society, there is pressure from external and internal. We can change our perspective and attitude towards things. To reduce suffering in daily life by adjusting this Mahasatipatthana practice to have balance in all 4 aspects of our lives by applying it to living in the digital age. Because it is a method of developing the mind and contemplating it to increase peace and happiness in life, this article presents young people with practical guidelines to make a positive contribution to living in the modern world. Because the author has presented the principles and important messages of Mahasatipatthana as a norm for practice.

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How to Cite
Varadhammo, P. W., Silatechaputtiyo, P. S., & Yanapalo, P. T. (2023). The Application of Mahasatipatthana for the Development of Human Potential in the Digital Age . Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 7(3). Retrieved from
Academic Article


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