Buddhist Tourism Promotion of the Temples in Nan Municipality, Nan Province

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Prakhrupalad Autai Akkapanyo
Chamnarn Kerdchor
Thitiporn Sasom
Kochchapun Chantra


This thesis aims 1) to study Buddhist tourism of temples in Nan Municipality, Nan Province 2) to study the problematic state of Buddhist tourism promotion of temples in Nan Municipality, Nan Province 3) to study Buddhist tourism promotion guidelines Of temples in Nan municipality, Nan province in the situation of the COVID-19 epidemic. This is a qualitative research. By studying documents and collecting field data from interviews. Descriptive data analysis.
The study revealed that 1) Buddhist tourism aspect of temples in Nan Municipality, Nan Province It is in the form of 4 issues: (1) The role of temples and Buddhist tourism in Nan Municipality. The temple has public relations and convenience for tourists. (2) Temple management for Buddhist tourism in Nan Municipality. The temple operates Buddhist tourism in accordance with the mission of the Sangha in all 6 areas. (3) Factors in the management of Buddhist tourist attractions in Nan Municipality. (4) Process of managing Buddhist tourism of temples in Nan Municipality, Nan Province. 2) Problems in promoting Buddhist tourism of temples in Nan Municipality, Nan Province. It is in the form of 5 issues: (1) problems in preserving arts and culture (2) problems in knowledge management (3) problems in facilities (4) problems in personnel (5) problems in Tourist management system 3) Guidelines for promoting Buddhist tourism of temples in Nan Municipality, Nan Province. In the situation of the COVID-19 outbreak It is in the form of 6 issues: (1) Preparation for international level (2) Community network management (3) Tourism by linking Buddhist tourism routes (4) Cooperation with the tourism industry (5) Reflection to the identity of Nan Province 6) Building confidence and credibility in tourism to return to the situation of the COVID-19 outbreak

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How to Cite
Akkapanyo, P. A., Kerdchor , C. ., Sasom , T. ., & Kochchapun Chantra , K. C. . (2023). Buddhist Tourism Promotion of the Temples in Nan Municipality, Nan Province. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 7(3). Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jmb/article/view/267208
Research Articles


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