An Analysis of Benefits which One should get from Wealth in Pattakamma Sutta
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This Article aimed to study (1) to study the background and essence of Pattakamma Sutta (2) to study the principles in Pattakamma Sutta. 3) to analyze the wealth gained through work in Pattakamma Sutta.the sample was Documentary Research The research results were found as follows;
The results of the research were: 1) 1) The structure of Pattakamma Sutta appears in the structure of the Tripitaka, volume 21, the Suttanta pitaka. The Aṅguttaranikaya, “Collection of Numerical Discourses” Catukkaninibata topics of the Dhamma classified into groups of four, Dutiyapannask Pattakammavaga, the 2nd Sutra of the paragraph is a rarity in the world. 4. Complete in virtues conducive to benefits in the future. 4. Live in the noble karma. 4. Died, heaven is the place to go. 2) (1) Worldly dharmas are rare 4. They are only requests (2) utilitarian dharmas 4. They are made ready to be endowed with faith, morality, generosity, wisdom when they exist. The Ariyadhamma clearly knows the defilements, resulting in acts with composure. Do not violate all 10 unwholesome course of action 3) (1) Faith towards the Triple Gems by believing that it is caused by action. (2) Morality: restraining body, speech, and mind without violating the 10 unwholesome actions (3) Generosity: material sacrifice to reduce stinginess Self-sacrifice for the purification of defilements (4) Wisdom is the knowledge of the five hindrances in order to reduce, alleviate defilements, and virtues conducive to benefits in the future. have a positive effect upon death.
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