An Analysis of the Elements of Being Noble One in Vatthūpama Sutta

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Phrakhrupawwanateerawarakun (Thammachad)
Phra Debvajracarya
Phramaha Adidej Sativaro
Athithep Phatha


This Article aimed to 1) study the structure and essence of Vatthūpama Sutta. 2) study the factor of virtue of Being Noble One in Vatthūpama Sutta. 3) analyze the value of virtue factor to attainment of Being Noble One in Vatthūpama Sutta. It is a documentary research. that the researcher has studied and researched from sources such as Tipitaka, commentaries, books and thesis. Analyze data and present descriptive research results.
The research results were found as follows: 1) the process of physical, physical, verbal refining in the life of the layman. It is a shield to prevent yourself from violating the 10 unwholesome actions or not tainting your mind by violating the precepts. And the virtue of enlightenment is the Being Noble One of the monks in the material sutra. There are 16 types of defilements. It is an obstacle to development that leads to enlightenment. Therefore, one has to let go of defilements in body, speech and mind in order to attain nirvana. 2) Value of virtue and defilements in meditation. It can be concluded that the state of meditation can be classified into 4 categories:1)reaching a high level of concentration 2) Lanivana 3)Eliminating defilements, knowing that what arises from introspection is “The Threefold Knowledge means knowledge that will eliminate ignorance until attainment in the end. and 3) self-worth when leading you to develop into the current Being Noble One. Summarize that Kindness Civilizer is known as the character of Suphavimokkha. The Compassion Civilizer is known as the character of the sphere of infinity of space. The Sympathetic Joy Civilizer is known as the character of the sphere of infinity of consciousness. The Equanimity Civilizer is known as the character of the sphere of nothingness. The Four Boundless Sublime States of Mind Civilizer is an Appamaññā in every respect, able to be the one who completes all the good morals.

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How to Cite
Thammachad, P. ., Phra Debvajracarya, P. D., Sativaro , P. A., & Athithep Phatha , A. P. . (2023). An Analysis of the Elements of Being Noble One in Vatthūpama Sutta. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 7(3). Retrieved from
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