A Comparative Study of Ethical Principle for Peaceful Coexistence in Buddhism and Confucius

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Phrakhru Suwatthanapattharaporn
Phramaha Khwanchai Kittimetee
Kit Sriya-ad


This article has objectives: 1) to study of ethical principles for peaceful coexistence in Buddhism 2) to study of ethical principles for peaceful coexistence in Confucianism and 3) to compare the ethical principles for peaceful coexistence in Buddhism and Confucianism. This article is a documentary study by studying and collecting information from the Tripitaka, Lun Yu Scripture, and related research. The analysis and presentation of the descriptive research.
In the research, it was clearly found that 1. The findings found that religious ethics are the set of a framework for human behaviors, for peaceful collaboration, and reach good goals in the next after life (the future world). The goal is to improve the quality of life by starting with the development of prior ethics and making people virtuous but not creating problems for themselves and society. They, therefore, must rely on the principles of Brahma Vihara Dhamma (to abide in loving-kindness, compassion, appreciative joy, and equanimity), Saṅgahavatthu (Generosity, kind words, beneficial help, consistency) and SaraniyaDhamma (a set of six states of conciliation). 2. Ethical Principles for Peaceful Coexistence in Confucianism is to conduct oneself with good relations between individuals in order to create cooperation that will work in order to achieve quality results and efficiency, which will bring benefits and happiness to oneself and others according to the principle of duty and mercy. 3. The ethical peaceful coexistence of both religions is the need for society to coexist without conflict and not creating burdens or problems for society by practicing the virtues and the ethics. For the different issues, in Buddhism emphasizes perfect self-development then, extending the results to society by using Buddhist principles as a supplement, such as Brahma Vihara Dhamma and Saṅgahavatthu, etc. For Confucianism, the goal was to create social and political development, and propose ways to develop people to complete their duties.

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How to Cite
Phrakhru Suwatthanapattharaporn, Kittimetee, P. K. ., & Sriya-ad , K. (2023). A Comparative Study of Ethical Principle for Peaceful Coexistence in Buddhism and Confucius. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 7(3). Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jmb/article/view/267547
Research Articles


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