Comparison of Religious Leadership in Theravada Buddhism and Catholic Christianity: A Case Study of Lao Khrang Ethnic Group in Doem Bang Nang Buat, Suphanburi Province

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Phrakhru Komutsuwannaphon
Phramaha Mongkholkan Ṭhitadhammo


This research paper has objectives: 1) to study of the religious leadership in Theravada Buddhism, 2) to study of religious leadership in the Roman Catholic Christianity and 3) to study of religious leadership in Theravada Buddhism and Roman Catholicism of the Lao Khrang ethnic group in Doem Bang Nang Buat District, Suphan Buri province. The research is a qualitative study by studying and collecting information from the Tripitaka, Bible scriptures, related research and on-site interviews, dialogue, learning and sharing opinions of people in the community.
In the research, it was clearly found that 1) The study found that religious leaders in Theravada Buddhism Originally aimed at, it was a practice to continue the renewal of Buddhism, acting in accordance with the principles of dharma and discipline and it is emphasis on being a leading in the mind. But nowadays the roles had shifted by being a leader in terms of spirituality and the basic quality of life in society. They must have the qualifications: (1) knowledge of the dharma and discipline; (2) a respectful conduct; (3) a full virtue. Therefore, the participations with the community are: (1) supporting and promoting Lao Khrang cultural traditions (2) supporting and promoting community activities. 2) The religious leaders in Catholicism; those who are ordained by the blessing or anointing of God consisting with; (1) modesty (2) altruism (3) wisdom (4) courage. For participations with the community are (1) paying attention to people (2) paying attention to education (3) supporting community careers.c 3) The roles of leaders in Theravada Buddhism and Catholicism for the Lao Khrang ethnic group in Doem Bang Nang Buat District, Suphan Buri Province that they as the religious the leaders must be coordinating with supporting community activities, academy by no religious discrimination, there is mutual assistance in a harmonious society.

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How to Cite
Phrakhru Komutsuwannaphon, & Ṭhitadhammo, P. M. . (2023). Comparison of Religious Leadership in Theravada Buddhism and Catholic Christianity: A Case Study of Lao Khrang Ethnic Group in Doem Bang Nang Buat, Suphanburi Province. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 7(3). Retrieved from
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