Desired Skills for Dhammaduta to Overseas Buddhism Propagation for the Develop Workforce in the Digital Citizen

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Phramaha Thongkeb Yanapalo
Kittamas Sirichai


Research study 1) to study desirable skills for Thai missionary monks for manpower development in the digital citizen era; 2) to create a picture of the future of skills required for Thai missionary monks to develop manpower in the digital citizen era in the future; 3) to analyze the changing trends and drive skills required for Thai missionaries to develop manpower in the digital citizen era in the future. This is a qualitative research. The analysis and presentation of the descriptive research.
The results of the research were: 1) to study the desired skills for Thai missionaries for human resource development in the digital citizenship era. It was found that there are 3 skill components that cover all issues for missionary missionaries who spread Buddhism abroad for the development of manpower in the digital citizen age: 1.1) learning and development skills, 1.2) life skills, 1.3) skills necessary for being Digital Citizen 2) to create a vision for the future of desirable skills for Thai missionaries to develop manpower in the future digital citizen era and 3) to analyze trends in change and drive desired skills for Thai missionaries to develop manpower in the digital citizen era in the future. It was found that when studying the feasibility and appropriateness of the desired skills for missionary missionaries who spread Buddhism abroad for the development of manpower in the digital citizen era. It was found that the overall level was at a high level. From the research results, new knowledge has been gained in developing the necessary skills for propagating Buddhism abroad, adjusting the paradigm for propagating Buddhism to suit the modern era and supports the sustainable development of religious manpower.

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How to Cite
Yanapalo , P. T., & Sirichai , K. (2023). Desired Skills for Dhammaduta to Overseas Buddhism Propagation for the Develop Workforce in the Digital Citizen. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 7(3). Retrieved from
Research Articles


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