The Analysis of Kamma in Theravāda Buddhist Philosophy

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Surachai Phutchu
Arisa Saisrikosol


The principle of kamma in Buddhist philosophy is one of important concepts which is very deep to understand due to it is one of the laws of nature so called Kammaniyāma by the Buddha. It is a various characteristic of kamma. Here is divided into seven of it. Each one appears in both Tipitaka and commentaries. It is to explain the kamma and its effect in order to understand easily. This article is to analyze the kamma into three aspects: 1) kamma and its types; 2) its components; and 3) its causes. These indicate the body of knowledge in the followings: 1) a superior quality to both of good and bad kammas: seven types of kamma are included into two kinds that are good (puñña) and bad (pāpa) but some kamma is a superior quality to both of good and bad kammas which is a deed of Arahantas; 2) supportive and opposed aspects of kamma: components of fourfold favorable and unfavorable factors are included into supportive and opposed aspects like twelve kammas that are (1) Upattham- bhakakamma (Supportive Kamma) is similar to supportive aspect, and (2) Upapīlakakamma (Obstructive Kamma) and Upaghātakakamma (Destructive Kamma) are similar to opposed aspect; 3) satisfied and dissatisfied kamma: causes of kamma are included into two aspects: (1) satisfaction: it means a good sensation which is caused by the desire defilement; and (2) dissatisfaction: it means a bad sensation which is caused by the hatred defilement. Both of defilements are caused by the delusion which is a root of all defilements and related to components of kammas in both favorable and unfavorable factors.

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How to Cite
Phutchu, S., & Saisrikosol, A. (2023). The Analysis of Kamma in Theravāda Buddhist Philosophy. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 7(3). Retrieved from
Academic Article


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