Create Model of Preventing and Reducing the Redundant Symptoms for the Buddhist Monk With Diabetes and Hypertension by Self-Reliance to Support the Reduction Budget by the Government

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Phairat Oebsamrong


The objectives of this research article are to: 1) Create a model to prevent and reduce recurring illnesses for monks with diabetes and high blood pressure in a self-reliant manner. Support reducing the budget burden 2) Create a network to prevent and reduce recurring illnesses for monks with diabetes and high blood pressure to be self-reliant. This is a qualitative research. The Supports reducing the government budget burden There were 30 important informants or people and Using a purposive sampling method. The research tools used were interviews, using a descriptive data analysis method.

 The results of the research found that: 1. Model to prevent and reduce repeated illnesses for monks with diabetes and high blood pressure by self-reliance. Supports reducing the budget burden, including 1) taking care of yourself By learning to create understanding in order to adjust behavior, diet, medicine, exercise, and emotional control. 2) Creating a database. Carry out data collection Sick monks in the area to use information to preserve the rights of the sick Under budget support from the government 3) Health calendar, planning daily activities, eating, exercising, taking action to ensure continuity. 4) Cooperation, jointly initiating, jointly thinking, setting vision, setting direction, jointly following guidelines, jointly evaluating, and jointly. Amend and improve 5) Network to coordinate cooperation between government agencies, monks, temples in the area to connect and reduce sickness among monks. 2. Create a network to prevent and reduce repeated illnesses among monks with diabetes and high blood pressure. high self-reliance Supports reducing the burden on government budgets, including public health officials. Subdistrict Administrative Organization Subdistrict health promotion hospital, temple clergy, temple public health volunteers Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University Let's work together to provide advice and knowledge. Public relations for monks to be aware of health promotion. Support the health care budget for the Health Insurance Fund project. Research support Create ideas to support Thai monks if they are free from disease. This has resulted in more cooperation in caring for the health of monks in various areas.       

Taking care of the self-health of monks according to the guidelines for taking care of their own health. food consumption stress management Able to maintain one's health correctly and appropriately Including creating a network to connect and exchange news together. Conduct joint activities between government agencies and the private sector, measuring the participation of all members in the network. As a result, sick monks can be self-reliant and can reduce the burden on the government budget as well.

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How to Cite
Oebsamrong , P. . (2023). Create Model of Preventing and Reducing the Redundant Symptoms for the Buddhist Monk With Diabetes and Hypertension by Self-Reliance to Support the Reduction Budget by the Government . Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 7(3). Retrieved from
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