A Concept of Friendship in Philosophy of Religions and Its building a Happy Society

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Phramaha Pornchai Sirivaro
Phramaha Khwanchai Kittimedhi
Phradhammavajiramuni (Boonchit Yanesangvaro)
Penphan Fuangooloy
Narumon Jiwattanasuk
Dhammaadhisthana Pornbandalchai


The three objectives of this research were purposely made: 1) to study the concepts of friendship and principles for building up a peaceful society in the viewpoints of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism and Islam, 2) to analyze the processing model in forming friendship and a peaceful society in the viewpoints of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism and Islam, and 3) to propose the mechanism in forming friendship and a peaceful society in accordance with religious viewpoints. This research employed the qualitative research methodology done by studying documents and by interviewing expertise in the related religions. In the research, it was clearly found that the concepts of friendship and principles for building up a peaceful society in the viewpoints of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism and Islam are basically pointed to the consideration of the meanings of friendship on which certain core morality is built up as follows: 1) the principle of being a human being 2) diversities are endorsed 3) a human being is by nature endowed with morality. As far as the analyzing on the processing model in forming friendship and a peaceful society in the viewpoints of religions is concerned, it is analyzed through these processes as follows: A. mutual understanding, B. methods for solving certain conflict, C. building up ideal society, D. interrelatedness, E. humility, F. an acceptance of social universal values, G. a creation of a multicultural society and end of a peaceful society which might be in the forms of: A. an equal society, B. social mutual understanding, C. honorable and respectable society, D. a moral society, E. interrelated society, F. a society without enemy, G. an equal society, H. a multicultural society, and I. Ideal society respectively. When it comes to the proposals on the mechanism in forming friendship and a peaceful society according to related religious viewpoints, it is considerably shown that forming friendship and a peaceful society through practical religion gives rise to the impact on certain perspectives and social conditions which are rooted on religion as follows: 1) the proposal on friendship and a peaceful society given by each religion has the impact on: A. it is proposed by concept of the Christian, B. it has the impact on ideology of Buddhism, C. it has the impact on way of life of Hinduism, and D. it has the impact on culture of Islam, 2) Overall, as far as the proposals on friendship and a peaceful society of all religions are concerned, they are basically pointed out to the core value: A. it is concerned with the concept of no-self, B. it has the impact on the shared value, C. it has the impact on conflict solution

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How to Cite
Sirivaro, P. P., Kittimedhi, P. K., (Boonchit Yanesangvaro), P., Fuangooloy, P., Jiwattanasuk, N., & Pornbandalchai, D. (2023). A Concept of Friendship in Philosophy of Religions and Its building a Happy Society. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 7(3). Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jmb/article/view/268675
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