Right Speech : Buddhist Integrated Approach for Multicultural Communication

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Phramaha Yongyut Dhiradhammo
Phra Charoen Vaddhano
Phra Woraponte Varadhammo
Phra Sukheesom Silatechaputtiyo
Phramaha Mongkholkan Thitadhammo
Narumon Jiwattanasuk


       This research has the objective 1) To study the principles, concepts, and theories of multicultural communication. 2) To study the principles of right speech for communication from the perspective of Buddhism. 3) To present integrated Buddhist principles of right speech for multicultural communication. It is a document research. Study, analyze content, data, compile and present the results as an integrated approach.

        The research results found that 1) Principles, concepts, and theories of multicultural communication: Multicultural communication must know the content regarding sensitive issues that will lead to conflict. Communication has components: the sender, the content of the message, the channel for sending the message, and the receiver. Good communication must reflect the values, attitudes, behaviors, and way of life of a society that does not use violence. Create acceptance of differences, respect rights, and equal justice. Create good attitudes, use reason. Prevent and eliminate conflicts,not threatening,depreciated and deprivation. 2) Prin- ciples of right speech for communication in Buddhism is for the purification of defilements, and create merit for the benefit and happiness, Communicate with patience and tolerance.  Do not harass, destroy, do not slander, do not harm. However, the root cause of conflict comes from ignorance, not understanding, lust, mana, pride, greed, anger, delusion, wanting, wanting to be big, being narrow-minded, and being biased. Therefore, good communication should be within the framework of right speech, proverbial speech, 4 honest speech, 5 precepts,  6 Saraniyadhamma, lay dhamma, 4 bias. Overall, communication will have the characteristics of speaking at the right time, speaking truthful words, speaking sweet words, speak useful words and speak with a kind mind. 3) Buddhist integration of the principles of right speech for multicultural communication: (1) Communication for conflict prevention must learning and understanding other people's cultures,Respect, uphold values, think creatively, know cause, know effect, know one's condition, know moderation, know time, know community, know person. (2) Communication to resolve conflicts must adhere to the principles of love, goodwill, principles of Yonisomanasikāra is, aiming to revive relationships, open the mind without bias, listen mindfully and attentively respect, forgive. (3) Communication to promote development through participation in decision making, mutual trust, fairness, Rights and freedoms, acceptance of differences, do not stimulate greed, anger, or delusion. (4) Communication to support and maintain must regularly meet and discuss together. Remind the mindful, point out the good and the bad, benefits and non-benefits.

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How to Cite
Dhiradhammo, P. Y., Vaddhano, P. C. ., Varadhammo, P. W., Silatechaputtiyo, P. S., Thitadhammo, P. M., & จิวัฒนาสุข น. (2023). Right Speech : Buddhist Integrated Approach for Multicultural Communication. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 7(3). Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jmb/article/view/269222
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