Upgrading the Training System the Overseas Dhammaduta Bhikkhus for the Development of Skills in Develop Skills in Innovation, Morality, Ethics for Community Development for the purpose of the Sustainable Propagation of Buddhism

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Phrakhrudhammathon Waradecha Aggatejo
Phramaha Yongyut Kantapho
Phramaha Sakchaiy Kovido


This research have aims: 1) To study the upgrading of the training system for the Overseas Dhammaduta Bhikkus; 2) To cultivate the moral and ethical innovation skills for the Overseas Dhammaduta Bhikkus; 3) To present the upgrading of the training system for the Overseas Dhammaduta Bhikkus to cultivate the moral and ethical innovation skills for community development and sustainable propagation of Buddhism. Studying monks who underwent the training for the Overseas Dhammaduta by Dhammaduta College, MCU Ayutthaya, Mahachula Ashram Dhamma Practice Center, MCU Nakhon Ratchasima, and Camp Son Religious Development Center at MCU Phetchabun. The tool used was the open-ended questionnaires, collected and analyzed using the frequency distribution and the percentage. The group were 27 monks. The analysis and presentation of the descriptive research.
The research found that 1) the managing of the training system for the Overseas Dhammaduta Bhikkus of Dhammaduta Vidyalaya is suitable and at the stage of further upgrading, The skills of trainees are at a stage that should be supported, including (1) academic skills, (2) Public utility skills, (3) Vipassana meditation skills 2) The Noble Eightfold Path as the Buddhist principle in analyzing problems, three points can be summarized: (1) morality, (2) concentration, (3) wisdom. 3) Problem solving development process for the training system includes (1) training period, (2) training schedule, (3) training methods, (4) Guidelines for developing skills, (5) Guidelines for spreading Dhamma, (6) Buddhist academics 4) Improve and develop activities to create special experiences outside the venue. 5) Gain new knowledge includes: (1) Social aspect involves interdependence, (2) Science aspect involves that can be proven, (3) Development aspect involves improvement and problem solving, (4) The aspect of creating innovation involves taking action that leads to better change, (5) The aspect of time involves the definite goals, (6) Schedule aspect involves a clear schedule, (7) Method aspect involves training effectiveness, (8) The development approach involves the development of the skills of the trainees, (9) The propagation approach involves spreading the words of Dhamma, and (10) academic skills involves the expertise in innovation, morality, and ethics.

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How to Cite
Aggatejo, W., Kantapho, P. Y., & Kovido , P. S. (2023). Upgrading the Training System the Overseas Dhammaduta Bhikkhus for the Development of Skills in Develop Skills in Innovation, Morality, Ethics for Community Development for the purpose of the Sustainable Propagation of Buddhism. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 7(3). Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jmb/article/view/269301
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