Buddhist Methods for Personnel Management of Secondary Schools under the Office of the Basic Education Commission
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This research aimed to: 1) study the factors of Buddhist methods for personnel management; 2) develop the Buddhist method model for personnel management; and 3) evaluate the Buddhist method model for personnel management. This research applied mixed methods. The study was divided into 3 phases as follows: 1) factor analysis, the key informants consisted of 9 school directors and academics. Data were collected using an interviewing and analyzed through content analysis and factor confirmation. The sample responding to the questionnaire included 520 directors of secondary schools under the Office of the Basic Education Commission in the Central Region. Data were collected using questioning. Data were analyzed for frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and confirmatory factor analysis. 2) the results from Phase 1 were used to develop a model. Finally, 3) the developed model was evaluated through a connoisseur seminar. The informants included 9 experts in educational administration, school administration, Buddhist methods for personnel management, and Buddhism. Data were analyzed using content analysis. In addition, the developed model was implemented in one school. The informants consisted of the school director, the deputy director, and a teacher from the personnel management unit, totaling 3 participants. Data were collected through a reflection meeting and analyzed using content analysis.
The research results showed that: 1) The factors of Buddhist methods for personnel management consisted of (1.1) recruitment to meet requirement; (1.2) retention of work deve- lopment; (1.3) competency-based development of individuals; and 1.4) valuable work success. 2) The Buddhist method model for personnel management comprised: (1) introduction, consisting of principles, objectives, and goals; (2) importance characteristics, including factors of Buddhist methods for personnel management; and (3) implementation, consisting of procedures, activities, and administrative tools. 3) The experts had a consensus that the Buddhist method model for personnel management was accurate, appropriate, feasible, and beneficial. The implementation results of the model in the aspect of competency-based development of individuals showed that the school: (1) planned the personnel development according to competency level; (2) determined methods for developing personnel with Yonisomanasikara principles; (3) organized training for competency development based on the threefold principles in the aspects of maintaining discipline, morality, and practical knowledge necessary for teaching profession; and (4) developed and encouraged personnel to have work expertise.
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