Sichuan Opera: Inheritance, Development, and Innovation of Local Performing Arts

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Zhang Ling
Sitthisak Champadaeng


This research article is about the Sichuan opera is a cultural heritage that is valuable to the local community. The objectives to study 1) To study the history and development of Sichuan Opera 2) To study the current situation and problems encountered in Sichuan Opera 3) To study the inheritance and development of Sichuan Opera and innovation. The research area for this study is Chengdu, Sichuan Province, and the researchers chose Sichuan Theater as the main research area for data collection. There were three phases in the methodology of this study. Literature research, observation, and interviews are all sources of data collection. The results are as follows: 1) Sichuan Opera is a tradition. Known as the pioneer of performing arts. It is a rich historical and cultural heritage. Chinese opera culture is characterized by the inclusion of a variety of artistic expressions. 2) An era with changes caused by economic and social development. Sichuan theater is facing challenges in inheritance and development. Especially influenced by modern popularity, the audience of Sichuan theater has a downward trend. For Sichuan Opera art to enter the market, it is necessary to pay more attention to market demand, to innovate, and to constantly develop new repertoires and performance methods.  The introduction of modern technology has been a factor in the development of Sichuan opera. Lighting, sound, and performance systems should be combined to develop it into an innovative performance for the modern era, which is another way of preserving and inheriting cultural heritage. Lighting, sound, and performance systems should be combined to develop it into an innovative performance for the modern era, which is another way of preserving and inheriting cultural heritage. To preserve and inherit cultural heritage, it is important to combine lighting, sound, and performance systems to create an innovative performance for the modern age.  3) Developing performance styles and scripts that suit the needs of modern audiences, studying the heritage, and developing innovations in Sichuan opera can help consolidate and perpetuate China's traditional culture. At the same time, it increases cultural self-confidence. but also improves the level of understanding and appreciation of Sichuan Opera art, and promotes the innovation and development of Sichuan Opera art. At the same time, the study of Sichuan Opera also provides an opportunity to deeply understand Chinese opera culture and explore Chinese folk culture.

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How to Cite
Ling, Z., & Champadaeng, S. (2024). Sichuan Opera: Inheritance, Development, and Innovation of Local Performing Arts. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 8(1), 178–188. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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