The Development of Learning Achievement on the Title of Thai Culture for Matthayom 3 Students at Debsirinphukhae School, Saraburi Province, Using Board Game

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Veeravit Boonsong
Sirinapa Pinkaew
Piyada Donnoomprai


The purposes of this research were to: 1) develop board games on the title of Thai culture for Matthayom 3 students at Debsirinphukhae School, Saraburi Province. 2) compare the students’ learning achievement after using board games, and 3) study the students’ satisfaction after learning the title of Thai culture. The sample in this quasi-experimental research consisted of 40 Matthayom 3/7 students at Debsirinphukhae School, Saraburi Province, in the first semester of the academic year 2023, using cluster random sampling. The research instruments used were the 13 board games, the 13 learning activity plans, the 30-question multiple-choice academic achievement test, and the 20-item satisfaction survey with a five-point rating scale. The statistics used in this research were the mean, standard deviation, and dependent t-test. The findings revealed that 1) The results of this research obtained 13 board games and 13 learning plans.2) The students had higher academic achievement after learning ( =1.75, S.D. = 2.50) than before learning ( =14.50, S.D. = 1.44) at the.05. level of significance. and3) Overall the students’ satisfaction after using board games was at a higher level ( =4.52, S.D.=1.52). The results of the research show that the developed board games promote students' analytical thinking skills. Thinking critically and being able to apply it to solve problems. Therefore, in the process of designing board games, teachers must study methods for creating and selecting content to be used in a consistent manner, which will result in the developed game board being able to be used to improve students' academic achievement.

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How to Cite
Boonsong, V., Pinkaew , S., & Donnoomprai, P. (2024). The Development of Learning Achievement on the Title of Thai Culture for Matthayom 3 Students at Debsirinphukhae School, Saraburi Province, Using Board Game. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 8(1), 95–108. Retrieved from
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