Application of Development of Mental Health for Practitioners through Online Dhamma Gita

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Phrakrupaladsampipatthanathirachan (Kittiched Siriwattago)
Narumon Jiwattanasuk
Phra Woraponte Varadhammo
Phra Wirachai Mettatheero
Phra Sukheesom Silatechaputtiyo
Voranij Vasuratna


The purpose of this research are threefold: 1) to study the issues and mental health conditions of practitioners, 2) to investigate the process of developing mental health for practitioners through online Dhamma practice, and 3) to present developments in mental health for practitioners through online Dhamma practice. The research is a documentary analysis, analyzing content data and proposing guidelines for developing mental health for practitioners in society. Research findings reveal: 1) Principles and concepts regarding mental health and its development: Findings emphasize the importance of encouraging community mental health and holistic care, including exercise, meditation, and connection with nature, which have positive effects on both mental and physical health. 2) Four sublime states of mind: These are crucial moral principles for governing people, fostering a peaceful and happy society. Compassion, kindness, sympathetic joy, and equanimity, when present in society, contribute to peaceful coexistence and conflict resolution. Building a socially happy community based on these principles requires cooperation from all sectors of society. 3) Dhamma practice involves using music and musical instruments to convey Buddhist moral principles, promoting peace and respect for Buddhism. Online Dhamma practice facilitates effective learning and engagement with Buddhist teachings and practices, making them accessible and popular. 4) Development of mental health for practitioners through online Dhamma practice: Integrating the four sublime states of mind into daily life fosters happiness and balance. Online Dhamma practice helps cultivate compassion, mindfulness, sympathetic joy, and letting go, benefiting both practitioners and others. Practicing Dhamma online promotes mental resilience, mindfulness, and spreading compassion. It serves as a valuable tool for achieving life balance and everyday happiness.

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How to Cite
Siriwattago, P. (Kittiched), Jiwattanasuk, N., Varadhammo, P. W., Mettatheero , P. W., Silatechaputtiyo, P. S., & Vasuratna , V. (2024). Application of Development of Mental Health for Practitioners through Online Dhamma Gita. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 8(1), 26–40. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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