The Effects of Mindful Bowing Meditation Practice with Dhamma Gita

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Narumon Jiwattanasuk
Phrakrupaladsampipatthanathirachan (Kittiched Siriwattago)
Phra Charoen Vaddhano
Phra Wirachai Mettatheero
Phra Woraponte Varadhammo
Voranij Vasuratna


The objectives of this research are 1) To study the problems that the working people have when practicing mindfulness meditation at home or at work by themselves. 2) To study and create a development process of the practice of mindfulness meditation for working people. 3) To evaluate and present the effects of mindful bowing meditation practice with Dhamma gita. This research used qualitative method. There were 20 key informants. The data were collected by using in-depth interview and focus group discussion. Thematic analysis was used in this research. The results revealed that 1) there are three main problems or obstacles when working people practice mindfulness meditation at home or at work by themselves which are the work and something that comes to disturb when working, the time management for bringing meditation into working lifestyle and controlling faculty (confidence, effort, mindfulness, concentration, and wisdom). 2) working people have to play two Dhamma songs (Repentance and Homage to the Buddha) and do the mindful bowing meditation by slowly bowing and using the mind to follow the lyrics and be mindful: know body, mind and Dhamma that arises at least two times per day before starting to work and before going to bed for two weeks or fourteen days. 3) The mindful bowing meditation practice with Dhamma gita affected the mindfulness, the mind, the work. The suggestion is to organize a seminar to share the knowledge about the effects of mindful bowing meditation practice with Dhamma gita and a workshop for employees at the organizations to practice the mindful bowing meditation with Dhamma gita. Knowledge gained can be shared with employees in organizations who struggle to practice mindfulness on their own, either at home or at work. You can try practicing mindfulness. However, before practicing at home, it's advisable to attend training and be guided by a lecturer to ensure the effectiveness of the practice.

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How to Cite
Jiwattanasuk, N., Siriwattago, P. (Kittiched), Vaddhano, P. C., Mettatheero, P. W., Varadhammo, P. W., & Vasuratna , V. . (2024). The Effects of Mindful Bowing Meditation Practice with Dhamma Gita. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 8(1), 54–67. Retrieved from
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