The Development of Guideline on Learning Resource Administration in the Digital Age of Administrators in School under Secondary Educational Service Area Office Khon Kaen

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Chainan Khamlai


The purposes of this research were to: 1) study the elements, current conditions, the desirable conditions, and the necessity of the development of guideline on learning resource administration in the digital age of administrators in school under secondary education service area office Khon Kaen 2) develop and assess the suitability of the learning resource administration in the digital age of administrators in school under secondary education service area office Khon Kaen 3) assess the development of guideline on learning resource administration in the digital age of administrators in school under secondary education service area office Khon Kaen. The sample was a total of 423 administrators and teachers, selected by using stratified random sampling, including 10 school administrators and 413 teachers. The research instruments were the current condition and desirable condition questionnaire, guideline’s evaluation interview form, guideline’s evaluation form, Statistics used in the research were percentage, average, standard deviation, content analysis, and priority analysis of necessity with PNImodified index values. The research findings were as follows; 1. The overall current condition was moderate. The overall desirable condition was very high and the priority analysis of necessity was as follows; 1) supervising the learning resource administration 2) Operating the learning resource administration 3) reporting the learning resource administration and 4) planning the development of learning resource. 2. The result of learning resources administration guidelines in digital era of school directors in the secondary educational service area office, Khon Kaen consisted of 1) principles and objectives 2) contents; Planning, Operating, Supervising, and Reporting the learning resource administration guideline 3) Mechanism of administration 4) Evaluation and 5) Achievement Condition. The results of the suitability evaluation of learning resources administration guidelines in digital era of school directors in the secondary educational service area office, Khon Kaen was overall highest level. 3.The assessment of suitability and possibility of learning resources administration guidelines in digital era, overall was a high level of suitability and a very high level of possibility.

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How to Cite
Khamlai , C. (2024). The Development of Guideline on Learning Resource Administration in the Digital Age of Administrators in School under Secondary Educational Service Area Office Khon Kaen. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 8(1), 14–25. Retrieved from
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