The Development of Creative Media to Reinforce Buddhist Learning in Social Media

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Ayusakorn Ngamchat
Santhaya Prapharat


This research aims to 1) study and synthesize the learning patterns of Buddhism in society, 2) develop a prototype for creative media to enhance the learning of Buddhism in online society, and 3) develop the learning of Buddhism through creative media in online society. This research is a qualitative research that focuses on the design and development of creative media to promote the learning of Buddhism in the form of a learning card game set for insight in the area of Kanchanaburi Sangha College, Si Phaiboon.There were 25 monks/individuals who provided important information in the interview and 13 monks in the group discussion. The research results found that 1) the pattern of media usage has traditional forms, such as personal media, object media, etc., and modern forms, such as print media, digital media, etc. Currently, there are various forms of media for learning Buddhism in online society. The most popular social network is Facebook. In 2023, there were 48.10 million Facebook users in Thailand. In this research, the researcher focused on developing a prototype media in the form of a card game, which is considered a form of print media. The prototype card media was then developed into a digital card to be disseminated on Facebook and the website of Kanchanaburi Sangha College, Si Phaiboon. 2) The development of a prototype for media for learning Buddhism through the process of enhancing learning from organizing learning activities in which learners participate and seek knowledge on their own outside the classroom. Learning through game media will help create meaningful hands-on experience for learners through connecting hands-on experience. 3) The development of a prototype media in the form of a card game and digital media, and then developing the content and format of the media for learning Buddhism into an application program in the form of a digital card game. The knowledge from each card is explained through the online network of the website of Kanchanaburi Sangha College, Si Phaiboon. From studying and developing creative media to enhance the learning of Buddhism in online society, the researcher found knowledge dimensions of using print media and technology media connected with Buddhist dimensions, resulting in a dimension of learning Buddhism in online society. It is new knowledge in terms of Buddhist innovation by humbly presenting the Lord Buddha’s words from the scriptures to develop into creative media for learning Buddhism, making it easier to understand and stimulating interest in learning the teachings from the scriptures in the form of “coaching with cards” to humbly apply the Lord Buddha’s teachings in one’s own life.

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How to Cite
Ngamchat, A., Phrakhrupriyatikanchanakic, Phrakhrusritammawaraporn, Phrakhrukanchanakitsophon, & Prapharat , S. (2024). The Development of Creative Media to Reinforce Buddhist Learning in Social Media. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 8(1), 41–53. Retrieved from
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