Causation in Theravada Buddhist Philosophy

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Phramaha Jaroon Kittipañño
PhraSri Ratanobol


This academic article is to study the causation of Theravada Buddhist philosophy. Most of the thinkers who have analyzed Buddhist theory of causality which is known as Dependent origination have deemed it to be the central doctrine of Buddhist Philosophy. The first importance of Dependent Origination is to really know all phenomena and teaching of the Buddha as the Buddha saying in the following words: “One who sees Dependent Origination sees the Dhamma; one who sees the Dhamma sees Dependent Origination.” It is described as a natural law that all phenomena (Dhamma): mental or physical, are dependent on conditions for their occurrence.

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How to Cite
Kittipañño, P. J. ., & Ratanobol , P. . (2024). Causation in Theravada Buddhist Philosophy. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 8(1), 245–254. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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