Analytical Study of the Principles of Graduateship in the Madhupindika Sutta

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Phramaha Teerapat Suksaikaew
Suthep Promlert
Phramaha Adidej Sativaro


This research article aims to: 1) investigate the structure and key content of the Madhupindika Sutta; 2) study the principles of wisdom in the Madhupindika Sutta; and
3) analyze the concept of wisdom as presented in the Madhupindika Sutta. This study employs a qualitative methodology, specifically documentary research, and analyzes data through a scriptural study of Buddhist texts.

 The findings reveal that: 1) The Madhupindika Sutta is part of the Majjhima Nikaya, Mula Pannasa, Siha Nada Vagga. The Buddha provides an initial exposition, followed by an explanation from Mahakaccana. The key content of the Sutta suggests that perceptions of proliferation overwhelm individuals, but if one does not become attached to the twelve sense bases, the seven latent tendencies will cease. 2) The characteristics of a wise person according to the Tripitaka include intellectual qualities such as wisdom derived from listening (Sutamaya-paññā), wisdom derived from contemplation (Cintāmaya-paññā), and wisdom derived from meditation (Bhāvanāmaya-paññā) or great wisdom (Mahāpaññā). Moral qualities include refraining from misconduct in body and speech, achieved through restraint of the senses, and practicing meditation (both Samatha and Vipassanā). 3) The goal of wisdom in the Madhu- pindika Sutta is to address the essential problems of life, leading to liberation. Relevant principles include: 1) Insight into various elements, such as the 18 elements (eye, form, eye-consciousness, etc.), the 6 elements (earth, water, fire, air, space, consciousness), and others. 2) Insight into the 12 sense bases, both internal and external. 3) Understanding of dependent origination, which leads to liberation from all suffering. 4) Insight into the causality and non-causality of phenomena, accepting what is possible and rejecting what is impossible, such as the notion that good deeds yield positive results and not negative ones. The principles of wisdom can be applied to educating youth to be aware of societal influences from social media. Desired wisdom entails not only worldly knowledge but also emotional maturity.

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How to Cite
Suksaikaew, P. T., Promlert, S., & Sativaro, P. A. . (2024). Analytical Study of the Principles of Graduateship in the Madhupindika Sutta. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 8(2), 41–53. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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