A Comparative Study of the Definition and Development of Human Life between the Buddhism and the Medical Science
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The objectives of this research article were: 1) to compare the definition of human life between Buddhism and medical science concepts, 2) to compare the origin of human life between Buddhism and medical science concepts and 3) to compare the development of human life between Buddhism and medical science concepts. This research is qualitative research. The methodology was documentary reviews of knowledge about the five aggregates in the Abhidhamma Pitaka together with the article on the five aggregates of Somdet Phra Buddhaghosacariya (P.A.Payutto) and Phra Dharmakosacarya (Buddhadasa Bhikkhu) and anatomy and physiology textbooks of medical science. Data were analyzed using content analysis and presented descriptively.
The findings revealed that: 1) The definition of life based on Buddhism concepts is the five aggregates which consists of body and mind. The definition of life based on medical science concepts is the body. 2) The genesis of life based on Buddhism concepts requires the birth of both body and mind. The body’s birth results from the fusion of the father and mother elements. The mind arose from the death of consciousness to be rebirth in the embryo in the mother's womb. The genesis of the body based on medical science concepts is fertilization between sperm and egg cells. The mind is the result of the functioning of the brain and nervous system. Therefore, the origin of the body is consistent with both concepts, but the mental is different. 3) The development of life based on Buddhism concept explains that the body is building from four elements. The medical science concept explains that the body is building from food. It was found two concepts were consistent with each other, in term of four elements contribute to build the body through food. The psychological development based on Buddhism concept explains that the accumulated karma inherited with the consciousness affects born behavior. Together with growing up through family and social nurturing, it caused learned behavior. This is different from the medical science concept that psychological development only occurs from learning through the processes functioning of brain and nervous system.
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