Online Psychological Counseling based on Reality Therapy on Stress of Undergraduate Students

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Kanokwan Sangsue
Varangkana Somanandana
Marid Kaewchinda


The purpose of this research article was to study the effect of online psychological counseling based on the theory of facing stress for 5 undergraduate students with the highest stress assessment score of ST-5 and voluntarily participating in online psychological counseling along the face of reality. The tools used were 1) ST-5 stress assessment form,            2) online psychological counseling plan based on reality theory, and 3) Interview form for students participating in online psychological counseling based on reality theory data analysis includes analysis and interpretation of the ST-5 stress assessment form. Before and after with the ST-5 stress assessment

The results showed that the counseling recipients had lower scores on the stress assessment than before the consultation, from the highest stress level to the low stress level. In addition, the results of the content analysis from the interviews showed that online psychological counseling was based on the reality of the situation. 1) The counselees surveyed their own needs for what caused the stress. In order to plan and set goals for managing the stress that occurs. The counselee can solve the problems faced by the reality and realize the reality that the counselee has the responsibility to find a way to manage his or her own needs. 2) The counselees have been trained in adjusting their thoughts and behaviors. In order to reduce stress. Able to solve the current problems that the client is facing correctly and appropriately in daily life. 3) The counselees apply the methods of each consultation to manage their own stress that occurs while continuing their studies or encounter difficult courses, so that they can accept, understand, and manage the problems they are facing in the field of study.

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How to Cite
Sangsue, K., Somanandana, V., & Kaewchinda, M. (2024). Online Psychological Counseling based on Reality Therapy on Stress of Undergraduate Students. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 8(2), 224–236. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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