The development of the Identity of Graduate Programs in Public Administration Northeastern University Khon Kaen

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Witoon Weelasin
Lakkana Inbueng


        These research objectives were to study 1) The Identity of Graduate Programs in Public Administration. 2) The development of the Identity of Graduate Programs in Public Administration. Northeastern University Khon Kaen. The data used 5 rating scale questionnaires to conduct 213 sample The statistics used for data analysis were mean, standard deviation. anddescriptive analysis as a whole.
        The results revealed that the sample group identified 5 characters were a good level (x̄ = 4.18) by sorting the opinions from the list of questions with the highest mean, finding the list of questions with the lowest mean as follows 1) ethics and morals; 2) numerical analysis, communication, and information technology skills; 3) knowledge; 4) cognitive skills; 5) interpersonal skills and responsibility.
        And the results revealed that the sample group identified 5 characters were a good level (x̄ = 3.74) by sorting the opinions from the list of questions with the highest mean, finding the list of questions with the lowest mean as follows 1) knowledge of human resource management; 2) knowledge of concepts and theories in public administration; 3) Knowledge of finance and budgets; 4) Knowledge in organization and management; 5) Knowledge of public policy
        From the analysis of qualitative research data It can be concluded that the development of student identity in the Bachelor of Public Administration Program Northeastern University. There should be activities in parallel with teaching and learning. Should let students use the theory studied in the classroom to put into practice in the course according to the curriculum, both academic experience and professional cooperative education and public Administration Research Methodology Because the practice, coupled with the study, may allow the curriculum to define a clear identity. And in line with the needs of the society Community and local.

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How to Cite
Weelasin, W. ., & Inbueng, L. . (2020). The development of the Identity of Graduate Programs in Public Administration Northeastern University Khon Kaen. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 5(1), 108–124. Retrieved from
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