The Learning Management by using the Situation Confrontation Process and the Yonisomanasikara Way of Thinking in Schools Under the Office of Secondary Education Service Area 25

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Phra Pattarapon Paññãvajiro
Uthai Woramethisrisakul
Prayoon Saengsai


        The objectives of this research were: to study the conditions, problems and the guidelines for the development and promotion of learning management by using the situation confrontation process with the Yonisomanasikara way of thinking (analytical thinking) in schools under the Office of Secondary Education Service Area 25. The population and samples of this study were 61 of secondary school personnel under the Office of Secondary Education Service Area 25 in Ban Fang district, KhonKaen province. The target group included 18 informants. The research instruments were questionnaires and interview forms. The statistics used for data analysis were: Percentage, Mean, Standard Deviation, Correspondence Index and reliability value. The interview forms were analyzed by using the descriptive method.
        The research results were as follows:
        The learning management by using the situation confrontation process with the Yonisomanasikara way of thinking in schools under the Office of Secondary Education Service Area 25 in overall was rated at a high level of practice in all studied aspects: learning atmosphere, learning activities and learning contents.
        The problems of learning management by using the situation confrontation process with the Yonisomanasikara way of thinking in general were rated at a high level of practice; they are: the teachers organized unhappy learning, causing students to not be interested in studying, including the lack of understanding of the roles and responsibilities, causing lack of expertise in the use of innovative media and information technology. The guidelines for development and promotion of learning management by using the situation confrontation process with the Yonisomanasikara way of thinking in general are that the teachers should develop learning management by the situation confrontation process with the Yonisomanasikara way of thinking continuously to develop the potential and competency in teaching consistently.
        The suggestions on ways to develop and promote the learning management by using the situation confrontation process with the Yonisomanasikara way of thinking in schools under the Office of Secondary Education Service Areas 25 are that teachers should have a variety of teaching and learning designs so that students will gain new knowledge; they should organize activities that encourage students to practice their thinking skills, analytical thinking, synthesizing and encouraging students to practice problem solving using Yonisomanasikara way of thinking, including the use of technology media and appropriate and modern equipment suitable for learning management; they should design and develop new innovative media and apply natural media such as learning resources in the community to reduce media inadequacy, having students to study by themselves in the real area, encouraging students to show their talents, aptitudes and interests with actual measurement and evaluation and use evaluation results to improve teaching methods in order to develop potential learners with knowledge which can be applied to life and can effectively solve problems faced in society in the future.

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How to Cite
Paññãvajiro, P. P. ., Woramethisrisakul , U. ., & Saengsai, P. . (2020). The Learning Management by using the Situation Confrontation Process and the Yonisomanasikara Way of Thinking in Schools Under the Office of Secondary Education Service Area 25. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 5(1), 199–213. Retrieved from
Research Article


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