E-San Proverbs : Lifestyle to follow The Guidelines of Buddhism of E-San Peoples

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Phrakru Kosol wiharakhun
Phra Sarith Sumano
Phramaha Bundit Panditasawee
Thipphavit Saichart
Sangwien Saphang


        This E-san Proverbs. It is a reminder to be trustworthy and neutral. The general condition of this society is a reminder to be neutral in the society of all ages, whether it will change over time or the situation. Ready to change in a better way. Economic conditions The E-san people are determined to work hard, endeavor to work with patience and patience. It has resulted in many successes. The life of the people in E-san. Politics and government Effect on the warning to teach the gradual. Do not do anything by lack of consciousness, lack of reflection, or lack of information. The proverbial teachings have a strong influence on E-san people. Make the life of the people of E-san to miss you and blame for their actions. The motto of the Proverbs is to make life unselfish. Get to know your relatives or friends. Not too distant. If it is too distant, it may make the familiar or a good relationship will reduce. This puzzle game. The result is a beautiful way of life. Have faith in the gemstone. Respect the elderly Honor each other There are sacrifices for the collective benefit.

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How to Cite
wiharakhun, P. K., Sumano, P. S. ., Panditasawee, P. B. ., Saichart, T. ., & Saphang, S. . (2020). E-San Proverbs : Lifestyle to follow The Guidelines of Buddhism of E-San Peoples. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 5(1), 287–303. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jomld/article/view/240456
Academic Article


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