Socially Engaged Buddhism : Case Studies of Phra Phisansasanakich (Yuen Khantiphalo)

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Phramahamakawin Purisuttamo
Phrakru Kosol wiharakhun
Thipphavit Saichart
PhraKrudammaton Siriwat Siriwattano
Sangwien Saphang


        At present, the Buddhist park of Khao-Atulla Thanacharo temple has abundant forest conditions Surin Province by Tourism Authority of Thailand Promoted to be an eco-tourism destination Eco and cultural There is a model footprint of the Buddha. That indicates the ancient civilization of ancient Khmer. And the Fine Arts Department has registered Nang cliff, waiting to be Phra cliff. All of these are the products obtained from the conservation of forest resources of all monks in Buddhism. Buddhism for the society of Khao-Atulla Thanacharo temple. Therefore can be concluded in 2 positions: Principles interpreting the principles of Buddhism in order to cover all aspects of society. By applying the principles of Buddhism to apply to benefit the society in large numbers and adjust the pattern to be a more social phenomenon. And the operational status are Activities to be useful for society as well as mental development in addition, it is also the adjustment of the evangelism model that does not only focus on theology and teaching of meditation. But can still propagate in social work And jointly responsible for solving social problems in all ages. Which is responsible for the social movement process Including operating remedies Preserve and conserve natural resources Ecological and living environment as well.

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How to Cite
Purisuttamo, P. ., wiharakhun, P. K., Saichart, T. ., Siriwattano, P. S. ., & Saphang, S. . (2020). Socially Engaged Buddhism : Case Studies of Phra Phisansasanakich (Yuen Khantiphalo). Journal of Modern Learning Development, 5(1), 304–322. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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