Executives and Brahmawiharn Dharma in Administration

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Phra SaranyaKamol Chanabun (Bhaddamungkalo)
Boonsong Sinthunok
Pattaraporn Namgate


          The Subline State of Mind and the administrators’ administration as the heads of mechanism for personnel leaders who take responsibility and support the effort for the others’ works. From this concept, it indicates that the administrators are personnel who assist the others to do their works in the time limitation in more increasing qualification and persons who are satisfied in effectiveness resulting from the new concepts of the administrators, that is, to assist and support more than the early administrative concepts that focus on the command and the control. Furthermore, in the new organizations, the administrators are limited to be the coordinators, instructors or team leaders. The administrators work related to personnel and every administrators especially, the principle of the Subline States of Mind consisting of the loving-kindness, compassion, sympathetic joy and equanimity. For respect and faith, the application of administrators’ the Subline States of Mind must be applied for the specific personnel in the organization. So the question must be set for the application of the administrators’ principle of the Subline States of Mind that for whom will the principle of the Subline States of Mind be applied? And is this principle necessary for the administrators’ application of the principle of the Subline States of Mind for the specific personnel in the organization or not? Or only personnel under the command must use the principle of the Four Subline States of Mind that can be included as follows: the administrators must have the Subline States of Mind, that is, the four principles of Dhamma for the adults. The loving-kindness will make the administrators look at the good aspects of colleagues. The compassion will make the administrators to be open-minded persons and to listen the others’ problems. The sympathetic joy will make the administrators support people to work and to have the occasion for increasing the position and the equanimity will make the administrators have the justice in giving reward and punishment for “general people.”


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How to Cite
Chanabun (Bhaddamungkalo), P. S. ., Sinthunok , B. ., & Namgate, P. . (2023). Executives and Brahmawiharn Dharma in Administration. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 8(8), 344–359. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jomld/article/view/261250
Academic Article


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