The Assessment of Teachers Competency Privates’ General Schools of Salesian Society Foundation of Thailand

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Kriengsak Chaiyaphornkaew
Raviwan Kinhom
Thanyatorn Amornkitpinyo


          This study aims to analyze and compare the competency of teachers in the private’s general schools of Salesian society foundation of Thailand according to their education qualifications and teaching experiences. The sample used in this research was 350 the private’s general schools of Salesian society foundation of Thailand. The implemented data collection method was questionnaire. The statistical analysis techniques used in this study were mean (), standard deviation (S.D.), Independent t-test, and One Way ANOVA.
          The findings implied that 1) the overall competency of teachers was at the highest level, and 2) the main competency of teachers was also ranked at the highest level. Regarding each competency, the competency with the highest score was ‘professional ethics and morality’, whereas the competency with the lowest score was ‘self-development’. In addition, 3) the overall competency related to the field of teaching was at the highest level The competency with the highest average score was ‘learner’s improvement’, on the other hand, the lowest average score competency was ‘analysis, synthesis and research to enhance the abilities of learners’. Furthermore, 4) teachers with different education background had different overall competency, main competency and fieldrelated competency at the non-significance level of .05. 5) Teachers with different teaching experiences had different overall competency, and field related competency at the non-significance level of .05. However, for the main competency, the study revealed that teachers with over 20 years of teaching experiences had higher main competency score than the ones with less than 10 years of teaching experiences at the score of .01. 

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How to Cite
Chaiyaphornkaew, K. ., Kinhom, R. . ., & Amornkitpinyo, T. (2023). The Assessment of Teachers Competency Privates’ General Schools of Salesian Society Foundation of Thailand. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 8(8), 143–160. retrieved from
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