Transformational Leadership of School Administrator Perceived by Primary School Teachers under the Private Education Commission Office in Bangkok
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This research aims to 1) study the transformational leadership of school administrator perceived by the primary school teachers under the private education commission office in Bangkok, and 2) compare the transformational leadership of school administrator perceived by primary school teachers under the private education commission office in Bangkok according to the teachers’ education background and school size. This paper was a survey research. The sample used in this study was 354 primary school teachers of the semester B.E. 2565 under the private education commission office in Bangkok by Proportional stratified random sampling. The applied data collection method was conducting questionnaire. The integrated statistical methods of analysis were mean, standard deviation, independent t-test, and one-way ANOVA.
The research findings revealed that 1) the primary school teachers under the private education commission office in Bangkok perceived the overall and 4 aspects (1. Idealized Influence, 2. Inspirational Motivation, 3. Intellectual Stimulation and 4. Individualized Consideration) of transformational leadership of school administrators as in the highest level. Furthermore, 2) the perceptions of primary school teachers with different education background towards the transformational leadership of school administrators were not different. However, teachers with different school sizes also perceived inspirational motivation aspect and individualized consideration aspect differently.
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