The Development Learning Achievement and Mathematical Process Skills on Decimals by Using Problem-Based Learning Model Combined with Deductive Teaching for Grade 5 Students
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This research is aimed to 1) develop learning achievement on decimals by
using problem-based learning model combined with deductive teaching for grade 5 student with the average score must be not less than 70 percent and the number of students who pass the criteria is 70 percent or more 2) develop mathematical process skills on decimals by using problem-based learning model combined with deductive teaching for grade 5 student with the average score must be not less than 70 percent and the number of students who pass the criteria is 70 percent or more. The target group is 15 students in grade 5 at Bandonsomhong Witthayakhom School, semester 2, academic year 2021, by purposive sampling. Tools used: 1) 6 Mathematics lesson plans on decimals, for 12 hours. 2) 10 questions of subjective test on Mathematics Process Skills of Decimals, and 3) Academic Achievement Test, 4 options, 30 questions. Statistics used in data analysis include; mean standard deviation and percentage.
The research results were found that:
1. Learning achievement of Grade 5 students after used problem-based learning combined with deductive teaching techniques, students had an average score of 24.07 out of 30, that is 80.23 percent, and there were 13 students who passed the criteria, it is 86.67 percent of the total number of students, which meets the specified criteria.
2. Mathematical process skills of Grade 5 students after used problem-based learning activities combined with deductive teaching techniques, students had an average mathematical process skill score of 14.93 out of 20, that is 74.67 percent, and there were 13 students who passed the criteria, it is 86.66 percent of the total number of students, which meets the specified criteria.
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