Financial Stability of Herbal Community Enterprise Groups Surat Thani Province

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Arisara Chumi
Phawitnat Vejvithan
Sompong Yingmuang


          The objectives of this research were 1) to study the general characteristics of herbal community enterprises. Surat Thani Province 2) to study the management of herbal community enterprises Surat Thani province. 3) To study the financial stability of herbal community enterprises. Surat Thani province.4) To compare the management of herbal community enterprises. Surat Thani province Classified by general characteristics of Herb Community Enterprise and 5) to study factors affecting the financial stability of the herbal community enterprises Surat Thani province. By sample the researcher collected all the samples from the whole population from the herbal community enterprise group. Surat Thani Province Which has a total of 43 places, Statistics used by finding percentage Average and standard deviation And statistics used for hypothesis testing By using t-test analysis and one-way ANOVA, and multiple regression analysis.
          The analysis results showed that Most of the respondents are female. Between the ages 41 - 60 years, studying at a bachelor's degree level have a career as a farmer the average monthly income is 20,001 - 30,000 baht and the number of members in the enterprise group 15 - 25 people. The results of the analysis of opinions regarding the management of herbal community enterprises Surat Thani province Overall, it is in the highest level, the results of an opinion analysis on financial stability of the herbal community enterprises Surat Thani province Overall, it is in the highest level, the results of comparative analysis of the management of the herbal community enterprise. Surat Thani province Classified by general characteristics overall and in each aspect, it was found that the respondents had opinions about the administration of the herbal community enterprise. Surat Thani province No different, and the suitability of the multiple regression equation of the overall variable of the factors affecting the financial stability of the herbal community enterprise. Surat Thani province there is a high level of correlation of .563 on all 5 independent variables that go into the form of multiple regression equations, namely production factors. Marketing factors Management factors Financial factors, and the factors of participation of the community enterprise Which can explain the variation of the independent variable by 56.30% with the error of the forecasting standard is .437.

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How to Cite
Chumi, A. ., Vejvithan , P., & Yingmuang, S. . (2021). Financial Stability of Herbal Community Enterprise Groups Surat Thani Province. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 6(6), 1–10. Retrieved from
Research Article


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