Phayao People’s Opinions concerning the 2014 Military Coup

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Chatthip Chaichakan


     This research aims to survey Phayao people’s opinions concerning Thailand’s 22 May 2014 military coup. The study employs mixed methodology. Quantitative data were collected using questionnaires in three different periods: one month after the coup, three months after the coup, and six months after the coup. Employing quota sampling, Phayao people in all districts were selected. Meanwhile, focus groups and interviews were carried out to collect qualitative data during periods six and nine months after the coup. The interviewees and participants are selected by purposive sampling and snowball technique. It is found that, at the beginning of post-coup period, most respondents felt glad that the coup took place. They believed that the coup helped resolve political conflicts, restored national solidarity, and relieved stresses in daily life. Later on, however, people of Phayao became indifferent and less content. The main reason stated was continuing problems in economic development and household consumption. Besides, this research concludes that: (1) various kinds of fears, such as fears of guilt, fear of the military, and fear of change in daily life, were evident after the coup; (2) political culture
in the North could be characterized with shyness, introversion, peace-loving, and yet resisting; and (3) the colour of Phayao politics is rather mixed.

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How to Cite
chaichakan, chatthip . (2020). Phayao People’s Opinions concerning the 2014 Military Coup. King Prajadhipok’s Institute Journal, 15(3), 108–127. Retrieved from
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