Management problem in border area: Case study border area local government in Chanthaburi

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Chuwong Ubalee


     Good Governance with management of problem security in border area : Case study border area local government in Chanthaburi. The objectives of research to : 1) To find out problem security in border area and 2) To find out guideline  management of problem security in border area with good governance. Data were collected via data collecting techniques,in-depth interview guide and participant observation.The findings are revealed as follows:

     1. The situation problem of Chanthaburi borderline security can be divided into 3 factors. 1.1) The two difficulties from the situation problem of political and military security are identified here and the problem of international public hazard caused by the disaster between the border areas 1.2) The economic security is one of the factors affecting the government’s revenue.The government will not be able to maintain economic stabilization. 1.3) The social security is another factor affecting people’s life and property security, mental depression causes. The cause might be occurred from both legal and illegal alien labors which lead to other problems of non-registered population, crimes,
     2.The possible solutions to the security situation of the Local Administration Organization in the border areas of Chanthaburi under the use of good governance can be classified into the following 2 aspects. The current implemention should be based on merit and participation for the security problem. In the future should be based on rule of law as the solution for the security problem 

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How to Cite
ubalee, chuwong . (2020). Management problem in border area: Case study border area local government in Chanthaburi. King Prajadhipok’s Institute Journal, 14(1), 26–49. Retrieved from
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