The Revolution of 1932 in the eyes of “outsiders” Diplomatic documents concerning Siam after the fall of the old regime

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Puli Fuwongcharoen


     Many have probably noticed that the study of Siam following the fall of the old regime has regained momentum, as evidenced by a fairly steady increase in the number of scholarly works in the field during the past five to six years.  Nevertheless, in order to ensure that the accumulation of knowledge concerning the Siamese Revolution will proceed soundly as well as pave the way for original arguments, we still have an important mission that deserves attention: that is, to widen our primary sources and make them more comprehensive. In handling such a mission, one solution is to draw on diplomatic documents. This article seeks to induce researchers to take diplomatic documents into account. It begins by outlining the value of such documents as materials for casting light upon the conditions in Siam after the revolution on 24 June 1932. The article will survey the activities of four embassies that were then active in Siam – the British, French, Japanese, and American embassies – while offering sample documents.

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How to Cite
fuwongcharoen, puli. (2020). The Revolution of 1932 in the eyes of “outsiders” Diplomatic documents concerning Siam after the fall of the old regime. King Prajadhipok’s Institute Journal, 14(2), 47–62. retrieved from
Original Articles



CADC – Centre des Archives diplomatiques de La Courneuve (ฝรั่งเศส)

JACAR – Japan Center for Asian Historical Records (ญี่ปุ่น)

NARA – National Archives and Records Administration (สหรัฐฯ)

SHAT – Service historique de la D?fense (ฝรั่งเศส)

TNA – The National Archives (อังกฤษ)


Straits Times (สิงคโปร์)


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