Women Empowerment in Political Participation in Thailand

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Thawilwadee Bureekul
Ratchawadee Sangmahamad


     One significant principle of Good Governance is public participation which also emphasizes on accessible opportunity to participate in politics that moves beyond election. Women’s leadership and political participation are restricted in many countries. In Thailand women are underrepresented as the proportion of women voters are more than men, as well as in leading positions especially in politics, in the civil service, the private sector or academia. Although they have abilities as leaders and agents of change, and their right to participate equally in democratic governance, but their opportunity is still limited.

     This study aims to study the factors affecting the women participation in politics in Thailand. The obstacles and best practices in many countries such as India, Indonesia are also included as well as finding the recommendations for empowering Thai women to be able to participate in politics. Data are gathered from literatures, in depth interviews of many people related, such as high ranked politicians, officials, community leaders and NGOs in both Thailand and foreign countries. Focus interviews and participatory workshops in various parts of Thailand are organized to gather data. Finally, the strategies for empowering Thai Women in Politics are developed as significant mechanisms for achievement. The result found that the factors affecting women’s participation are to enhance their own characteristic, for instance; the leadership. The factors which influence women’s political participation consist of to enhance their leadership and social responsibility for their community. Besides, the family and society should support and willing to give the opportunity to express their political potential. Thai government should have the law and policy to back up the role of women’s political participation. This research study present strategic plan and training package to bringing force to urge the women to participate in politics. The 3 strategics include Potential development and building leadership its implementation, How to create the strategic to support the role for women and its implementation and the strategic for communicating the success stories and network building.

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How to Cite
bureekul, thawilwadee ., & sangmahamad, ratchawadee . (2020). Women Empowerment in Political Participation in Thailand. King Prajadhipok’s Institute Journal, 14(2), 63–86. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/kpi_journal/article/view/244167
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